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What is a Mechanic Lien?The shop with consent of the owner, has custody (possession) of a motor vehicle or vessel and, at the request of the owner, provides a service or materials for the motor vehicle or vessel, has lien on the motor vehicle or vessel for any charge incurred for any repair or rebuilding, storage, tire or other parts or accessories. The bill must be uncollected.
What are my rights under the law?As a licensed repair shop or marina manager or owner, you have the rights that protect your business labor and services. If you are in possession of an unpaid and unclaimed vehicle or vessel for a period of at least 30 days and have performed labor and/or services of any kind you may place a mechanic lien on that property.
Why does the vehicle or vessel need to be auctioned?Per Maryland Commercial Law, the vehicle must be auctioned.
How does the auction work?If you have filed a lien against a vehicle or vessel, the minimum bid will be your lien amount (amount owed to you) plus a processing fee. If we receive a bid on a vehicle, we must accept the bid. Of course as the lienor, you have the right to bid. If you win, the amount due will be less your lien amount. If you don't accept the results of the auction/sale, the case will be filed away and NO REFUND will be given. NO EXCEPTIONS
Why do I need to provide my Federal Tax ID number?Per MVA: On July 1, 2015 all businesses wishing to title a vehicle will be required to show proof of the legal existence of the business. The business will be given a number with a "Z" to identify it.
My business must be in "Good Standing" with the state of Maryland. What does that mean?"In order to file a mechanic lien, your business must be in good standing with the state of Maryland. This means your business must be an active business and has paid all of the fees needed to be an active business for a given year. If you are unsure what your "Standing" is with the state, simply click the link below and type in your full LEGAL business name.
What are my rights under the law?As a licensed repair shop or marina manager or owner, you have the rights that protect your business labor and services. If you are in possession of an unpaid and unclaimed vehicle or vessel for a period of at least 30 days and have performed labor and/or services of any kind you may place a mechanic lien on that property.
I got an OK to do the work, but no signed repair bill, is that ok?"The work order has to be OK’d for repairs by the owner, either by signature or verbal, signed and dated by person getting OK by phone. It is best to get a signed work order! Also, it is best to photo copy their driver's license.
How long must the repair order be overdue?Charges for the vehicle's or motor home's repairs, rebuilding or storage must go unpaid for a period of at least thirty (30) days. For trailers ONLY, charges must go unpaid for at least ninety (90) days.
How long does the Mechanic Lien process take?Its a case by case basis. If the vehicle is paid off by the lien holder, the owner or sold at auction it could take as little as 2-3 weeks. If no one pays off the vehicle or it doesn't sell at auction it could take as much time as 6 to 8 weeks.
Can I do a Mechanic Lien just for storage?Yes, the only time you can do a lien for storage is when you have a signed storage agreement between you and the customer. Please note: If you are storing a vehicle please include the Year, Make & Model including the VIN number on the storage agreement.
I bought a car at an auction without a title, Can I place a Lien on it?"Absolutely not. If you bought the vehicle from auction you cannot place a mechanic lien on the vehicle. It is fraudulent in the state of Maryland to do so, and if caught you will be fined
I have a vehicle abandoned on my property, can I file a lien on the vehicle?"If the vehicle was abandoned by a customer after you have completed repairs, then yes. If you do not know who the owner of the vehicle or vessel is or was, then no.
Can I put a Mechanic Lien on a Documented Vessel?Yes you may however Maryland DNR will not issue a title.
Can I do a Mechanic Lien on an Impounded vehicle?Yes. If you contacted owner of the vehicle and he requested that you fix something on his vehicle. Otherwise, no you cannot. You have to do some kind of work to the vehicle.
If I would like to put a bid on a vehicle or vessel what do I need to do?First thing you can do is to download a Bid Form. It is in .PDF format. Read the instructions on the form. If you have any other questions please feel free to call the office at: 1-800-398-2602
What are the taxes based on getting a title?Taxes for vehicles are based upon the year and make of the vehicle. Any vehicle 7 years or later is 6% of NADA book value. If the vehicle is over 7 years old, there is a $100 title fee and $38.40 tax fee - Total due: $138.40. Taxes for any vessel or PWC are 5% of your lien amount.
Why is a lien cheaper online?Well when doing a traditional lien, the representative would have some out of pocket expenses such as gas and other costs associated with the lien. When doing a Lien Online, it takes all of those factors out of the equation to bring you a lien at an affordable price!
Would you take a business check or money order instead of a Credit CardAbsolutely! If you want to pay by business check or money order, please contact the office either by email or call us at: 1-800-398-2602. Once we receive payment, we start the lien process.
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